Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts)...
On Friday night, a mentally ill crossdresser named Bruce Jenner was interviewed for two hours during prime time about his plan to gruesomely mutilate his genitals in a macabre pseduo-medical ritual often erronsously described as a "sex change." He detailed his decision to Diane Sawyer, calmly declaring: "For all intents...
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky says he’s talked to people in the Senate about whether there will be an investigation into recently unearthed donations to the Clinton Foundation from people involved in a Russian uranium deal, and that people need to trust that a president “wouldn’t actually sell the country” while in the White House.
The Transportation Security Administration has issued a classified warning about a potential attack by the Islamic State today against a target in the United States.
The White House says the head of President Obama's initiative for minority males will attend the funeral of a Baltimore man who died after sustaining serious injuries while in police custody.
"Zero chance" family of hostages could face jail for paying terror group.
Freddie Gray died on April 19, one week after being arrested in Baltimore. The 25-year-old black man died due to a spinal cord injury suffered while in police custody and ...
Former President George W. Bush reportedly delivered a broadside against his successor's foreign policies in a closed-door meeting over the weekend, ripping the pending Iran nuclear deal as Washington and Tehran resume talks.
Pop quiz: What do Russ Feingold, Kay Hagan, Michelle Nunn, Mark Begich, Ted Strickland and Joe Sestak have in common? If you answered that all were highly touted Democratic senatorial or...
The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.
Sometimes a protest is just a riot camouflaged in self-righteousness.
Dan Golvach, told a Texas Senate Border Security subcommittee last week that what he has learned from his son’s murder by an illegal alien is it is “glaringly evident, that the federal government does not seem to be very invested in securing the border.”

David Clarke: The Sheriff as Rebel

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

How the Milwaukee County sheriff became a political celebrity
Britain goes to the polls next week and the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, is clear about what the choice is. For too long, you have been told something that simply isn't true, Miliband assured supporters as he announced his program. That's what's good for the richest and most powerful is always good for the whole of our country. That as long as a few individuals and companies are OK, we can just wait for the wealth to trickle down to everyone else. Really? We've been told that? By whom? Who has spouted such bilge? Type trickle down economics into Google and it'll prompt you with myth, criticism, debunked and doesn't work. But you'll search in vain for anyone actually proposing the idea. Not that this deters leftist politicians, election after election, from tearing into it. Here, for example, is Barack Obama in 2008: We can't afford four more years of the theory that says we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else.
The US Energy Department prepares a wave of LNG gas permits in the latest move to redraw the world's oil and gas landscape
Sen. Ted Cruz argued Saturday that Democrats have become so extreme and "intolerant" of religious views that "there is no room for Christians in today's Democratic Party."
Depending on your perspective, President Obama's performance at the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night was either funny or filled with rage. Or perhaps it was funny about being filled with rage. Either way, there's no doubt that Obama, by incorporating comedian Keegan-Michael Key into his act, went public with the anger — specifically, the black anger — that has become part of the general conversation about Obama's time in office. Key and partner Jordan Peele do a Comedy Central routine in which Peele, playing Obama, delivers a calm, measured speech while Key, playing Obama's anger translator, named Luther, acts out what Obama is really thinking, sputtering in rage against criticism and opposition that Obama believes is based in racism. (Both Key and Peele are, like Obama, biracial.) Key says he got the idea after seeing Republican Rep. Joe Wilson's You lie! outburst during Obama's September 2009 speech to Congress. I'm like, when has anybody had an outburst in this august institution before? Key told CBS last year. I have never seen that happen to another president who doesn't have melanin in their skin. So why did it happen to this president?
If you believe that Christians are more tolerant than Saudis, according to the Gaystapo, you don’t exist. That’s LGBT moral equivalence for you.
Gov. Scott Walker suggested that voters should seek a constitutional amendment to allow state-level bans.
Our daughter, Bailey, had complete paralysis from the waist down for 11 days with no explanation as to why. This video is of one of her favorite nurses comin...
A new congressional study suggests that the massive increases in immigration in recent decades have hammered middle-class wages.
Gay people in America are among the most self-righteous and intolerant people there are.
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Mr. Conservative is the top website for news, political cartoons, breaking news, republican election news, conservative facts and commentary on political elections
Survivors of the Boston Marathon bombing are outraged after learning that family members of convicted bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were flown to the U.S., put up in a hotel and provided with extensive security – all paid for with taxpayer dollars.