Nancy Pelosi claims due to Trump releasing the FISA Memo he has “surrendered his constitutional responsibility as Commander-in-Chief.” Does she really believe Donald Trump is no longer the President?
Adam Schiff the Desperate Democrat clown from California fired off a letter last night to Chairman Devin Nunes with his latest excuse as to why the American People should never see the FISA Memo
Latest Trump Conservative Political News from around the web, all on one page. Updated for Wednesday, January 31, 2018.
President Trump's SOTU Proved Democrats Hate America. After their antics over the past few weeks, you have to wonder if the Democrats know they live in America, and they are American citizens?
President Trump gave his first "State of the Union" Address. Did Trump's SOTU speech to the American People Rise To The occasion? Or Go Down In Flames?
The Secret Society doesn't want the public to see the FISA Memo. But President Trump could go around the Democrats obstruction and force the Media to cover the story by reading the Memos during his SOTU address.
“Petulant Child John Lewis To Snub President Trump’s SOTU READ OUR STORY HERE https://t.co/P90gm1oAta #BuildTheWall #MAGA #Border #DACA #ImmigrationReform #Dreamers #ReleaseTheMemo #SOTU #QAnon #StateOfTheUnion #Democrats #Trump #Borderwall #DrainTheSwamp #SOTU”
List Of Members of Congress suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are boycotting President Trump's first "State of the Union" (SOTU) address.
Michael Moore was at the PSOTU Party fighting for "The People." After all a man with a net worth of over $50 Million Dollars feels the pain of people living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Latest Trump Conservative Political News from around the web, all on one page. Updated for Tuesday, January 30, 2018.
Out of dozens of attempts made on Trump's Border Wall Prototypes, one guy made it to the top but he couldn't get down so they had to bring him down with a cherry picker.
Instead of learning their lesson from 2016 Presidential election, the SOTU rebuttal proves the Democrats didn't learn a thing from that historic loss.
Part Three of Three Of BluePillSheep.com Look At the Hypocrisy of Hollywood Liberal Elites throwing their Hissy Fit "People's State Of The Union" Party
If the "Do as I say, not as I do" Ultra Rich Hollywood liberals truly believe President Trump has his finger on the button, why would they need to fund-raise to throw their PSOTU Party? Or charge $47 a person to get in?
Recently, Michael Moore and MoveOn.org sent out a fund-raising e-mail begging people to help bankroll their Hollywood coup against Donald Trump. And when liberals say "You" They mean "Your Money."
Hollywood celebrities suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are coming to New York City to attend the "People's State of the Union" protest and scream at their sky king.
Congressman Trey Gowdy posed several questions to host Chris Wallace and it became clear watching the video, without saying Gowdy told you what exactly is in the FISA Memo.
George Soros Spent Over $10 Million from October - December 2017 in Lobbying Against Trump. In total George Soros's Open Society Policy Center poured in a record $16.2 million into lobbying efforts in 2017
DACA illegal immigrants drove their taco trucks over to Senator Chuck Schumer's house and made camp. promising "If Chuck won't let us Dream, we won't let him sleep!" For Republicans it's like having Christmass All Over Again
CNN Fake News Should listen to the old saying "Less 'Fake News' a day and more "Real News" help keep angry lunatics who want to shoot you, away.
After the FBI informed Congress that they’re currently unable to find five-months worth of Strzok text messages Ari Fleischer brought down the Irony hammer hard upon the FBI's head.
Another milestone for the Trump, as economic optimism hits a 17-year high according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll but President Trump Still isn't getting any credit.
Liberals were screaming mad as Democratic leaders suddenly pulled their panties right over their heads giving them an atomic-wedgie after they caved in on the Schumer Shutdown
Schumer's "do as I say not as I do" backstabbing Trump and the Republicans, means when the current CR ends, we can expect another government shut down.
Bono and U2 has released their new Music video for their song "Get Out of Your Own Way." The Music Video has President Trump seemingly supporting the KKK and is nothing more than an Anti-America, Anti-Capitalism protest message.