While Jeff Sessions may be a terrific guy, who truly wants to do the right thing. Some people just can't do the job. Jeff Sessions doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to be our country's top law enforcement officer
Despite everyone EXCEPT Trump dropping the ball this Loony Toon liberal said the president’s actions and rhetoric “ bring out the violence in people.”
President Trump said He would have gone into the Parkland High School unarmed, making the Liberal Left lose their collective Borg-drone minds.
Sheriff Israel The 2nd Worst POS In Broward County but with each passing minute this POS Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is more of a POS human being than even I originally thought.
If CNN believes that the Parkland kids who survived the shooting are experts on gun control. Then I am an expert of what those 17-people felt
Twitter scrubbing any tweet involving the Broward Cowards, Sheriff Israel, Dana Loesch, Parkland and the NRA on accounts top tweets.
If CNN and the media describe Chris Cillizza as a journalist, then, by all means, describe me as a NON-Journalist. You won't get any argument from me.
This just keeps getting worse as an anonymous Parkland School Shooting First Responder came forward to tell his story.
Jennifer Lawrence on “60 Minutes," The 27-year-old T & A moron said “I dropped out of middle school,” adding “I don’t technically have a GED or a diploma. I am self-educated.”
While you thought they could not get any lower, NBC showed they clearly showed the Fake News media hasn't finished scraping the bottom of the barrel just yet.
So in my own little way becoming a card-carrying NRA member means a lot more than most because I don't own a gun. It's my way of saying I support America and Americans because our nation sacrificed far too much blood and treasure
MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has clearly put paycheck over principle. Trying to please his Liberal base and, of course, his dominatrix communist concubine Mika Brzezinski. He declared Donald Trump a "one-term president."
If Mueller is truly going after those who interfered with the 2016 election, then shouldn't he and the Democrats be after Australia who was already fined by the FEC?
WGN reported that a Pro-Hijab propaganda billboard popped up on a Chicago highway, somehow the left still believes there are still Americans who really give a poop about women wearing hajibs..
Democrats on the House and Senate Appropriations Committee, respectively, are seeking an additional $300 million increase in funding for the FBI because of OMG RUSSIA!
Did CNN and MSNBC Collude With Russia's Anti-Trump NYC Rally? If You Use the Collusion Rhetoric Being Spewed By CNN and MSNBC On A Daily Basis Then, YES!
CNN exploitation of Children continues. This time CNN will broadcast their exploitation at a Town Hall featuring the traumatized Children who survived the Parkland Shooting
Several times each day you'll hear some CNN host or contributor equating President Nixon's paranoia to one of the many President Trump tweets, but CNN ignores the more equatable Nixon To Obama Why?
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday that the Obama administration bore some responsibility for the Russian interference campaign in the 2016 election. Hey #NoSchiffSherlock it took you over a year to finally realize it?
Once the number three man at the DOJ, now mail delivery boy Bruce Ohr could face jail time for failing to disclose his and his wife connection to Fusion GPS and the discredited Trump dossier.
“Imbecile David Axelrod Explains REASON #348 why Hillary Lost. @realDonaldTrump LOL #Russia & #Trump Stole It. READ HOW WE DESTROY THIS TWIT HERE https://t.co/66Ick27J27 #MAGA #Mueller #QAnon #NoCollusion #FBI #FakeNews #TrumpTrain #Obama #AmericaFirst #CNN #NRA #Rosenstein”
For Senator Squaw Elizabeth Warren she will always be "Pocahontas," and there is only one way for her to get out from under it... A DNA test.
The biggest news in the indictment other than Inspector Clouseau nabbing 13 Twitter trolls was that Not one American knew they were even interacting with Russians.
After a year the mother of all Witch Hunts Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation was able to nabbed 13 Facebook Twitter Trolls? That's It? Really? WTH?
11,000 Leaked messages from the private Twitter account of Julian Assange made it clear he believed a Clinton presidency would be the worst thing to happen not only to the world, but also for freedom and democracy in the United States.