That's right boys and girls after a year and half of nothing, Adam Schiff now claims they really haven't had time to really take a good hard look into "Money Laundering."
I have to wonder, does CNN even try to be honest? Chris Cillizza Proves all of their CNN Fact Checking Apple ad is nothing more than North Korean like propaganda.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) along with other key figures explain in this video the FISA Memo and the Trump-Russia Dossier and its use by the FBI to obtain a FISA Warrant on Carter Page as clear and concise as possible. 
Here is what the letter sent to Donald Trump Jr. said. The white envelope that had a Boston postmark contained a suspicious White Powder which was later determined to be cornstarch
President Trump, would like to see Robert Mueller's witch hunt be over and done with as soon as possible. But Congress has set aside $10 million Dollars expecting the Investigation to continue into 2019
Despite all the CNN bloviating, Mainstream Media (MSM) is slowly starting to admit that the Trump White House is far more Media-Friendly than President Obama’s. 
When Donny Douche spits out "Oh Please" Elise Jordan MSNBC Commentator and NOW MSNBC's Body Language Expert should have realized she was saying something stupid.
After Jeff Sessions Anglo-American heritage comment you would expect ignorant Liberal Tweets but when MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell lends her voice to the retarded liberal chorus, that sets off our intentional race-baiting alarm bells.
Bipartisanship Has Broken Out in Washington due to the fact that The Democrats are realizing that their 'Impeach 45' was just a pipe dream, and in November 2016, Donald J. Trump was legitimately elected to be Americas 45th President
MSNBC's mentally unstable activist women hosts quickly spun the whole Porter incident into an attack on anyone who currently in the White House who pees standing up.
The Democrats came into 2018 believing they only needed to run out the clock until November, but their continued gaffes is turning their dream year into a nightmare.
Dreamers face an uncertain future and the blame falls squarely on the Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Liberal Left-wing Democrats. They miscalculated badly on how much support the American people would provide DACA, and belligerent Illegal Immigrants.
Sen. Paul, taking a stand on wasteful government spending started a mini-government shutdown and of course, Liberals who have been crying about The deficit attack him.
With the amount of criminality taking place in the upper management of the FBI and DOJ before they even were elected. How much illegality would have transpired if the Clinton Crime family had actually moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?
With her dentures firmly in place, Nancy Pelosi took to the House floor and explained how the DACA illegal immigrants "Dreamers' are actually "victims" of an evil America.
Disgraced former Attorney General Eric Holder who may or may not choose to run and lose in 2020, has weighed in on the question of, could President Trump be indicted?
Knowing what we know now, this video just sums up how incredibly disturbed President Obama was. There is not even a hint that every word out of his mouth was a lie.
Did Adam Schiff Collude with Russia To End The Trump Presidency? Seems we are back to another "Someone needs to release classified information to find out the truth"
Colluding with Russians and Putin Promising They Have Dirt On Your Political Opponent That Will Ruin Them. Sounds Like Donald Trump Jr. WRONG! It's None Other Than That Traitorous Democrat From California Adam Schiff.
President Trump in a Tuesday tweet called on Democrats to get tough on illegal immigration “fast” after an Indianapolis Colts player was struck and killed by an Illegal immigrant
James Comey and Andre McCabe's actions and bias were limited to the FBI's upper management and did not reflect those of the 35,000 men and women who work at the FBI putting their lives on the line to protect our nation.
If You Thought You've Seen Every Superbowl Commercial. Then Just Like The New England Patriots... YOU LOSE!
The White House’s petitions page is finally back online, and one of the first targets that the American people have in their sites is the Liberal Loony Toon, Nazi-sympathizer, George Soros.
President Trump was not only right about Obama through Susan Rice colluding with the FBI and DOJ to have Trump Tower wiretapped, he is also right that Obamagate is BIGGER than Watergate.
During a 2013 appearance on Russia Propaganda TV, Adam Schiff the hypocritical Democrat from California went on RT, advocating for more transparency of the NSA spying program, the FISA Court and "The American People's Right To Know" what the FBI was doing in their name.