Around thirteen men in the UK will kill themselves today, and the male suicide rate is at a 14-year high. Is it time to accept that society has become dangerously hostile to men, asks Mike Snelle
A special House panel investigating the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, has uncovered tens of thousands of new documents, but is still facing obstacles from the Obama administration, an interim report issued Monday said. An Interim Progress Update was released Monday revealing the investigation has uncovered new witnesses, new documents, new facts and will result in the most detailed and complete accounting of what happened in Benghazi. And it reported that the panel in June will interview former Secretary of State Leon Panetta, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey and retired General Carter Ham, who was in charge of U.S. troops in Libya at the time of the attack. The attack killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans and has prompted questions about the role of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

America's Collapsing Alliances

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

It was a long time ago and a galaxy far, far away: In July 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama made big, bold news by travelling to Berlin to – as The New York Times triumphantly recorded – “restore the world’s faith in strong American leadership and idealism.” With 200,000 Berliners waving campaign-provided American flags, Obama called for renewing America’s alliances and undoing the cowboy unilateralism of George W.
For his 107th Memorial Day, Richard Arvine Overton — believed to be the nation’s oldest veteran — is planning a quiet day at the Texas home he built after returning home from World War II. He wouldn’t want it any other way.
Congress created the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) in 1956 to fund construction of the Interstate Highway System. The HTF is funded primarily though an 18.4-cent per gallon federal excise tax on gasoline. Funding for the HTF expires May 31, and with the HTF facing a budget shortfall, some in Congress have proposed raising the federal …
Caleb Bonham, founder of Campus Reform, took to the streets to talk to Hillary Clinton supporters about why they feel like Clinton would make a great President. The answers were what ...

Apparently Planned Parenthood loves moms and celebrated them this past Mother’s Day by promoting abortion. In a few Mother’s Day “cards”, Planned Parenthood shared the stories of women who’ve happily carried pregnancies term but also chose abortion.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT One card read, “When Shawanna was 16, her mother died of ovarian cancer, and she had to [?]

Michael Steel will assume a "leadership role in policy and communications," sources confirm.
State Dept Gets Federal Judge to Reopen Hillary Email Case
On Sunday Washington Post drama critic Peter Marks underlined how liberals can’t stand even to sit in the presence of conservatives, even when actors are playing them. At Washington's Arena Stage, the play The Originalist about Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, a liberal audience member couldn’t hack five minutes before leaving:
GOP 2016 candidate Mike Huckabee’s photo appears among a list of political, education and business leaders who support the Common Core standards in a book provided to state lawmakers by the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry.
The former secretary of state earns Four Pinocchios for making a nonsense comparison that is factually inaccurate.
For mothers out there who regret having children and would have done otherwise if only they had better access to “reproductive health” options, Planned Parenthood wants them to know it feels their pain.
It's also not a cure-all for America's problems
Bristling at claims that GOP opposition has made the Federal Election Commission worse than dysfunctional in the eyes of the Democratic chairwoman, Republicans counter-charge that the left is frustrated because it hasn't succeeded in regulating conservative Internet sites, media and right-leaning super PACs. In an escalating fight on the politically-divided FEC, the former Republican chairman on Monday charged his Democratic replacement with playing politics and trying to belittle foes to get her way. In Washington, people have a way of vilifying anything they disagree with in the most unflattering labels, wrote Republican Commissioner Lee E. Goodman in a column for Politico. It was in response to claims by Democratic Chair Ann Ravel that the GOP is thwarting her bid to clean up politics.
Boston University had a weekend change of heart about a new professor's angry tweets about white people, after FoxNews.com and others reported on the racially-charged comments - and Terrier alumni threatened to stop writing checks.
Members of the political right are evil. Not only do they eat babies, steal from OAPs and reek of sulphur, the right has the hide to steal elections from people with a mandate on fairness and righteousness in the conduct of
It appears that the genie is out of the bottle, as states' nullification efforts continue to gain momentum as Minnesota nullifies FDA restrictions. by Bob Adelmann
News that former George W. Bush White House advisor Karl Rove urged his fellow Republicans to abandon attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and focus on a replacement plan comes as thousands of Americans sign up for the law’s expanded Medicaid benefits for the poor thanks to changing hearts [...]
Supporters of gay rights, seem to love Dan Savage, despite his hateful rhetoric.
Liberal writer cheers Mississippi cop killing. On Saturday night two police officers were shot and killed in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The two officers that were killed were identified as Benjamin J. Deen, 34, and Liquori Tate, 25. (WDAM) Liberal writer Ferrari…
According to columnist Eric Alterman, prominent journalists tend to realize that most Republicans are “ideological extremists” whose agenda, dictated by “the super-wealthy,” warps our politics. The problem, he added, is that the news stories those journalists write don’t reflect that realization. Instead, argued Alterman in a piece for the magazine’s May 18 issue, “even our best reporters feel the need to put forth a fairy-tale narrative in which the United States enjoys a fully functioning democracy…When you consider that far-right billionaires like Sheldon Adelson and Charles and David Koch have the power to demand that presidential aspirants pledge fealty to their ideological preferences and financial interests, the notion that our laws represent the collective will of the American people appears comical at best.”
On Saturday, Jesse Jackson rallied outside Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois, against AK-47s, saying, "More guns make us less secure."
We couldn't write this any more extreme...
Former President Bill Clinton bagged a $200,000 speaking fee on October 21, 2011, paid for by Chinese government entities just ten days after then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton heralded a “pivot to Asia” in U.S. policy.