You can lead a writer to the law, but you can't make him think.
Bernie Sanders said What???!!
The Justice Department charged the Illinois Republican Thursday for evading reporting requirements and lying to the FBI as part of a scheme to pay off the victim of "prior bad acts."
The neoconservative pundit has towed the liberal line on some big issues.
Dan Joseph at our MRCTV website reports that Mother Jones dropped a little bomb on the Bernie Sanders campaign: an essay that Sanders wrote in 1972 about the “typical” rape fantasies of men and women. Joseph made the point that if “Ted Cruz or Rick Santorum wrote something along these lines -- even 40 years ago -- the media wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks.” The proof of that assumption is the Todd Akin "legitimate rape" hullaballoo of 2012.
Hillary Clinton went down to Dixie this week and tried to pull off a faux Southern accent.
Emma Sulkowicz graduated from Columbia College last week, lugging her mattress under one arm as she reached for her degree with the other. Some classmates cheered Sulkowicz — the self-proclaimed po...
The Islamic State terror group recently released a propaganda article justifying the raping of girls, while boasting that they released some Yazidi women to their "ISIS husbands" after they converted to Islam.
Activist Pamela Geller clashed with CNN's Chris Cuomo on Thursday morning, accusing him of "very shallow journalism" and pushing back against a comparison that he made between saying the N-word and drawing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The heated segment started with Cuomo discussing the Garland shooting that...
Conservatives have reserved their worst epithet for the Lifeline program, which provides discounted phone service to low-income families: “Obamaphone.” Liberals call it a vital source of empowerment for the poor. Now the Federal Communications Commission is readying a proposal to extend the subsidies to the Internet, setting up a new battle...
St. Louis University removed a statue of famous Jesuit Missionary Pierre-Jean De Smet S.J. praying over two American Indians. The school believes the statue is offensive. Father Pierre-Jean De Smet was an active in missionary work among the Native Americans…
Cotton comes at enormous environmental expense, a price the American West may no longer be able to afford.
Figures. Crazed Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby favorited a tweet on May 6 calling the Baltimore police "THUGS." Via Daily Caller: Mosby also favorited a tweet bashing whitey. Five days earlier on May 1, 2015 Mosby announced 26 felony…
Why did the heavens drown parts of Texas with their watery wrath? The Reverend Al Sharpton suggested it's a punishment from God-that "we've done it to ourselves."
Tucked away in the pages of a new report by the U.S. General Accounting Office is a startling statistic: 40.4% of the U.S. workforce is now made up of contingent workers—that is, people who don’t have what we traditionally consider secure jobs. There is currently a lot of debate about how [...]
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called for federal relief Wednesday in the wake of floods and storms that have ravaged his home state.
BALTIMORE (AP) — A 31-year-old woman and a young boy were shot in the head Thursday, becoming Baltimore's 37th and 38th homicide victims so far this month, the city's deadliest in 15 years.
The Kentucky senator makes a campaign stop on the Windy City's South Side.
Politico today led the way in a virtual tidal wave of outragey outrage stories across the leftosphere trashing Scott Walker as some kind of monster because he thinks that laws mandating ultrasounds before abortions are "cool" and gosh doesn't he just love rape. Only that's not rape. And, oh yeah, he didn't even say that. Yes once again the media and the left have coincidented | Read More »
It's not often a man you believe one of the few worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize, if that award were even halfway honest, reaches out to you on Twitter, but that is what happened to me Wednesday evening when the courageous Dr. Zuhdi Jasser posted the following:@rogerlsimon can you please please write a column now asking @RandPaul to withdraw? 'Paul:GOP hawks ‘created’ ISIS' http://t.
Ann Coulter joined Jorge Ramos on Fusion TV Tuesday to discuss her new book "Adios America! The Left's plan to turn our country into a third world hellhole." This was an amazing interview. Coulter was mesmerizing. She completely stumped the…
Here's a photo from about 16 years ago that I thought I'd share with you...just because: In July 1999, Chelsea Clinton joined her parents and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Rabat, Morocco for ...
The fight isn’t over once the Supreme Court rules in King v. Burwell.