Seymour M. Hersh accuses Obama of rushing to take credit for the al Qaeda leader's death.
It's no secret that certain words degrade with time as the objects associated with them lose status. Something my sister said to me made me realize that we're at that point with the phrase "free ma...

Welcome to the Hotel ISIS

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

You can check out any time you like...
TUSKEGEE, Ala. (AP) — Michelle Obama on Saturday invoked the storied history of Tuskegee University as she urged new graduates to soar to their futures, saying the past provides a blueprint for a country still struggling with the "age-old problems" of discrimination and race.
Quick video I put together to provide clear proof Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized his famous "I Have A Dream" speech. He was an incredible person, but the...
In Lenin's time, a considerable number of young Marxists eagerly awaited a post-revolutionary society where getting sex would be really really easy. Youth’s altered attitude to questions of sex is ...
“Hillary Clinton’s war in Libya, I think, made it less safe,” the 2016 contender said.
A Relentless Assault Against the First Amendment
Homeschoolers interrogated on guns, vaccines
Officers Benjamin Deen, 34, and Liquori Tate, 25 were shot and killed Saturday night in Hattiesburg.
Supremes Contemplate Making War Against Heaven
Could the man possibly not know he was being racist? (What Cuban music do you still listen to? Oh please.)
Black people in the United States are more likely to be victims of violent confrontations with police officers than whites because they commit more violent c...
Former Florida Governor and possible GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush criticized "small-minded and intolerant" religious liberty opponents
On Saturday night, two Hattiesburg, Mississippi, police officers were shot and killed. Law enforcement officials believe the suspect may have stolen a police car afterward, then abandoned it. The names of the officers have not been released.
A recent call to the Children’s Hospital of Orange County confirmed that hospital administrators are pleading with the online followers of seven-year-old Kennedy Willey to take their concerns about Dr...
Memo: From Nick HanauerTo: My Fellow ZillionairesYou probably don’t know me, but like you I am one of those .01%ers, a proud and unapologetic capitalist. I have founded, co-founded and funded more than 30 companies across a range of industries—from itsy-bitsy ones like the night club I started in my 20s to giant ones like Amazon.com, for...
Hillary Clinton gets burned by Jeanine Pirro during her Opening Statement. Context: Hillary won the support of the prostitutes at the Bunny Ranch, a legal br...
Another terrible story of police being targeted, again by blacks. And this time one of their victims was black as well. Watch below: More from the Associated Press: Three people were arrested — and...
Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, sees America being fundamentally transformed by a host of pernicious Obama policies, including education initiatives which are
Ted Cruz gave another great speech at the South Carolina Freedom Summit - don't miss the hilarious and adorable story about his kids starting at about the 2 minute mark. Watch below: