
Many thousands of people have seen their homes and businesses bulldozed for venues and parking lots. All for a bit of political showmanship.


You’ve probably seen all the astroturfing paid hacktivists protesting that McDonalds' workers should be paid $15/hour to flip burgers and take fry orders.


A new survey shows that 44% of Covered California policyholders find it difficult paying their monthly premiums for Obamacare coverage.


53% of Democrats want illegal aliens to have the vote — because they want millions of new votes for their party and its big-government agenda.


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas lawmakers on Friday approved carrying handguns openly on the streets of the nation's second most-populous state, sending the bill to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who i


LEVIN: I'm not happy with the candidates. There's too many of them. I can't control it, and neither can anybody else. I think we conservatives will have to rally behind one or two or three quickly. Or the RINOs will pick us off, as they did with McCain and Romney and hope to do with Jeb Bush, among others.
On the Democrat side, this is amazing to me. I don't know how Hillary Clinton hasn't at least served some time in prison, given her background and what she's done. Now they set up this front group to loan their money through so the sources of the money wouldn't be known. That Bill Clinton receives. There's so much graft, corruption and sleaze in this family and what they do. Yet, apparently, that's the definition of the Democrat party. She is, right now, unless you take the goofball from Vermont, she's right now the only so-called serious candidate the Democrats have.
HANNITY: If you were running against Hillary, they've gotten away with so much in the past. Do you focus on the scandals or focus on how to get 93 million Americans back in the labor force, 50 million Americans off food stamps and out of poverty. Do you focus on the debt and deficit, securing the boarding, do you focus on energy? You have to have a positive agenda and tell people how to get them back to work and stop robbing her kids.
LEVIN: I think you have to do both. I don't think the candidate should get into e-mails and what it said on May 12th, 2014. You can leave that to surrogates and others.
I think the key here is to have a principle conservative message to connect with the blue collar and other collar democrats. To keep the base. To connect with the American people. And to have a positive, strong, consecutive, principled message.
Now is the time.
To promote our position and to contrast it with the left. The Obama economy, let alone the foreign policy, they've been a complete and utter disaster. The Democrats want to do more of the same. Tax, debt, illegal immigration, kill the currency, leave our allies on their own, stand back and watch genocide. This is a record.
If we can't win this time around, I don't think we're ever going to win.


Musician, singer and songwriter joins Newsmax Now to discuss the Muhammed cartoon contest in Phoenix.


Dennis Hastert was charged with structuring cash withdrawals to evade currency transaction reporting requirements and lying to the FBI.


Life in Obama's America... They're now broadcasting open hate against white people during morning announcements. Bedford High School believes it is acceptable to denigrate white people during morning announcements. EAG News reported: After students played a video promoting racial stereotypes…


Criticizing Title IX violates Title IX


Indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert was paying a former student from Yorkville, Ill., to conceal his alleged sexual abuse of the youth that took place while Hastert was a teacher and wrestling coach at a high school there, federal law enforcement officials said Friday.


Dear Minimum Wage Protester:
I recently saw you and your friends on TV blocking streets as you shouted and marched for a higher minimum wage. You said it is unfair that ...


Today’s dictators use propaganda, censorship and relatively little violence.


The U.S. economy shrank by 0.7 percent in the first quarter of 2015.


The Obamaphone program already costs taxpayers $1.6 BILLION per year and now Obama and his socialist Democrats want to add internet to the bill as well, something the FCC will likely approve: We're...


FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- James Comer conceded the governor's race in Kentucky on Friday, ending a tumultuous Republican primary and handing the nomination to Louisville businessman Matt Bevin. In a morning news release, Comer said he called Bevin and conceded minutes after a Thursday review of...


The violence included a freeway shooting and the slaying of a woman outside her apartment building.


Rep. Carolyn Maloney said the requirement would "help save lives."


There was a mostly minority-on-minority bloodbath in Baltimore over the Memorial Day weekend, with 26 people shot and nine dead, and the main reaction we hear from the left is "racism."


What Mcdonalds knows about the minimum wage that protestors don't and the logic* of the minimum wage. Please Like, Share, & Subscribe Follow on Twitter: @Aus...


Willie Geist wondered out loud what would happen to a Republican candidate who had written that women fantasize about being raped--and Joe Scarborough questioned whether he would he still be in the race. But when it's a candidate for the Dem presidential nomination who had written those words, well, that's a different story. On today's Morning Joe, when Scarborough raised the matter of Bernie Sanders having written that women fantasize about being raped, Mika Brzezinski repeatedly tried to shut him down and turn the page.


A Friday report in The New York Times highlights another intriguing Clinton Foundation activity...
