A front-page headline in the Wall Street Journal screams out: "Islamic State's Gains Reveal New Prowess on the Battlefield."
Carly Fiorina's campaign to become manager in chief.
Demonstrations unfolded Wednesday at six Arizona border checkpoints, where protesters complained that the Border Patrol has turned their hometowns into intimidating militarized zones, among other border control issues that threaten the quality of their lives.
Federal Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the State Dept. to release some of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails every 30 days.
In 1985 Wendy's released a hilarious television ad mocking the Soviet Union. The ad shows a Russian fashion show where the women all wear the same outfit. This represented the choice selection in a Communist regime. The ad ends with…
Hillary Clinton is being criticized for being too wealthy to connect with the average American. But history tells us that wealth doesn’t have much to do with making presidents callous or self-absorbed; insecurity does.
Labor leaders, who were among the strongest supporters of the citywide minimum wage increase approved last week by the Los Angeles City Council , are advocating last-minute changes to the law that could create an exemption for companies with unionized workforces.
The railroad's problems are political, not operational.
The college student, a model of poise, pleads her case to Judge Judy:
Over the years, I've had many arguments about economic policy with my statist friends. I put them into three categories. The completely unreasonable statists blindly assert, notwithstanding all the...
Why do we need 23 deodorant choices when children are going hungry?

Have Democrats Pulled Too Far Left?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Liberals think that only the Republicans have become more extreme. They’re wrong.
Meet Hanna. Hanna wasn't always hungry – but then Old Spice released its Red Zone Aqua Reef Sweat Defense Solid. Now she’s starving. "You don't necessarily n...
The New York Times recently published an article that could change the nation’s perspective on George W. Bush. According to the report by C.J Chivers, “American and American-trained Iraqi troops?
‘I always leave my door open when female students are in my office.” That’s what a professor at a prestigious liberal-arts college told me a few years ago. And since then, I’ve heard similar sentim...
The Obama administration revealed today that it will not take the fight over executive immigration amnesty to the Supreme Court, essentially admitting defeat in its fight to lift a court-ordered stay placed by a Texas judge.
Speaking at Pachyderm Club, Republican presidential hopeful says Democrats have ceased to be the party of workers: ‘They are the party of power’
Hillary Clinton, who grew up in Chicago, spoke with a Southern accent Wednesday.
Rick Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator who came within striking distance of the Republican nomination in 2012, is making another White House bid.
It's getting easier to go to Cuba, but not necessarily to live there. Sometimes it’s the little things that make you crazy. But, then, there are big things, too.
Steven Wise, head of the Nonhuman Rights Project, has compared ​the legal fight of two chimpanzees, Hercules and Leo, to the struggle of enslaved blacks and Native Americans in the U.S.
From Obamacare to climate change and now immigration.
Hillary Clinton used a southern accent during her speech before South Carolina Democratic Women’s Council on Wednesday.
President Obama’s administration on Wednesday claimed dominion over all of America’s streams, creeks, rills, ditches, brooks, rivulets, burns, tributaries, criks, wetlands — perhaps even puddles — in a sweeping move to assert unilateral federal authority.