
Who's Up for Federalizing Police?

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

If you like the feds picking your insurance plan, you’ll love its taking over your local PD.
Skeptics about democracy in the 18th and 19th centuries argued that the enfranchised masses would use their votes to seize the property of the relatively few rich. What could be more natural?
2008 seems so long ago. When running for president, then-Senator Obama held himself out as post-partisan and above the fray; calm, cool, and different. Americans bought in.Obama’s “hope” and “change” campaign signaled a new direction, fresh ideas, and appealed to a new generation of voters.
Fmr. Sen. Rick Santorum says he’s close to getting ready to announce whether he’ll run again for president in 2016. “You’ll be hearing some news soon,” he said when asked if he’s close to announcing a run for president again. “You’ll be hearing an announcement here in the next month or so.”
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry came out in favor of President Barack Obama’s secret trade deal on Thursday, joining just two of his fellow Republicans in the 2016 hunt—most of the rest are either deathly silent or adamantly opposed—Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
"It's going to be a bad night for the Lib Dems," says Nick Clegg's spokesman as an exit poll suggests major losses for the party.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and senior Republican officials are calling out a GOP firm that worked on a seven-figure ad campaign lashing Rand Paul over his foreign policy views. The problem? The firm’s co-founder is also working for a McConnell-backed super PAC that’s defending the GOP Senate majority in 2016, when Paul is also...
The IRS refused to fire most of its own employees found to be cheating on their taxes — and in some cases even quickly turned around and promoted them within the year, according to an audit released Wednesday.
Sean Hannity and anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller got into a heavy shouting match with Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary over whether Geller should be put to death for organizing the
The obscure candidates jumping into the Republican race for president will likely only see the inside of the White House on a tour. Yet long-shot candidates persist. A scholar examines why.
Remember when Barack Obama said "fences won't work" as an excuse to keep the border open to illegal aliens? Yeah, well the Obama White House is adding another layer of steel spikes to the top of the White House fence.…
Liberty Counsel, a Christian legal organization, wanted to host a presentation in a library in North Carolina. The taxpayer-supported facility turned them down. Why? The presentation would be “religious instruction,” purportedly a violation of separation of church and state, a concept not found or even implied in the U.S. Constitution. There is a constitutional right …
(Reuters) - The Baltimore police investigation into the death of a black man from injuries sustained in police custody fails to support some charges filed by the city prosecutor, CNN reported on Thursday. Citing officials briefed on the separate probes by prosecutor Marilyn Mosby and police into the death of Freddie Gray, the television news network said the lack of support for charges from the police findings could allow lawyers representing the officers to undercut the prosecution. Officials familiar with the probes say the homicide investigation run by police at most contemplated a manslaughter charge, not second-degree murder as Mosby charged one of the officers, Caesar Goodson. Homicide investigators briefed by the medical examiner's office believed the autopsy report would likely find the cause of death to fall short of homicide, one official familiar with the case told CNN.
Nowadays, Draplin writes, university is where the principles of freedom go to die
The U.S. State Department will not review the breaches of the 2008 ethics agreement Hillary Clinton signed in order to become secretary of state after her family's charities admitted in March that they had not complied, a spokesman said on Thursday. Clinton, now the Democratic front-runner in the 2016 presidential election, had promised the federal government that the Clinton Foundation and its associated charities would name all donors annually while she was the nation's top diplomat. She also promised that the charities would let the State Department's ethics office review beforehand any proposed new foreign governments donations. In March, the charities confirmed to Reuters for the first time that they had not complied with those pledges for most of Clinton's four years at the State Department.
In a political debacle of her own creation, Clinton now finds herself in a position where, in order to prove that she was not beholden to Uranium One executives for donations made to the Clinton Foundation prior to the CFIUS approval of the sale of their business to a company owned by the Russian government, she is now beholden to the authoritarian leader of that same Russian government.
An Auburn woman calling herself an ambassador for God and his son, Jesus Christ, filed a federal lawsuit Friday against all homosexuals.
Inequality warriors vs. the family and the individual
Sen. Rand Paul released "The Waste Report," identifying "egregious examples of wasteful spending throughout the U.S. government."
Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison “has a clear record of obstruction and complaint" in the War on Terror.
North Carolina officials released new revenue projections Wednesday showing a $400 million surplus – a big change from the $270 million revenue shortfall projected several months ago.
Hillary Clinton says that she is the most transparent woman in American politics. There's just one problem - Hillary Clinton lies... a lot. Ben Shapiro takes a trip in the way back machine to look at a few of the more egregious examples.  TRANSCRIPT: Hillary Clinton is the most transparent woman she knows. She said so in 2008:
Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman shared some strong opinions about newly re-elected Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as her thoughts on anti-Semitism and why she would be "nervous" to be black in America.
Turns out working for the IRS means you don't have to pay them. Nearly 1,600 IRS employees didn't pay their taxes over a ten year period, and more than half of those willful tax cheats weren't fir