An expectant mother living in Tsiigehtchic, N.W.T., will face a $5,000 medevac bill when she gives birth later this month due to a combination of bad timing and crowded conditions at the Inuvik hospital that she found unacceptable. "I just couldn't believe they would expect that of a woman at the most vulnerable time of her life," said Bethany Church. Church, who is eight months pregnant, recently moved to the Northwest Territories from Yukon and doesn't yet qualify for N.W.T. health coverage. This is Church's first pregnancy and she was instructed to get to the hospital, so she drove from Tsiigehtchic to Inuvik on Monday. When she got there, the transient centre was full, so a staff member set a cot up for her in another person's room.

Conservative Boy Wonder

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Republican donors are counting on the 21-year-old to energize voters.
Protests against police violence have highlighted concerns about the criminal grand jury system. Do the secret deliberations remove public pressure or prevent accountability? Grand juries could soon be prohibited in cases involving lethal police force.

Chris Kenny on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“So after helping Australian Labor and UK Labour, we expect @johnmcternan is off to assist the Democrats next. #godspeed”
This is the opposite of the equality that feminists claim to support. Women should not get special treatment because fires don't care about your gender.
Recusal...or court order?
Students at Dartmouth College launched a petition drive demanding the newly-elected student body president resign after they say he was disrespectful to the plight of American blacks and other margin
A Kazakh official involved in brokering a controversial mining deal for a major Clinton Foundation donor is behind bars for his role in the transaction, undercutting a Clinton campaign fact-check that attempted to dismiss ethical questions about the former president's ties to the lucrative contract. Hillary for America and the Clinton-aligned group Media Matters pushed back on allegations that the Clintons had used their political clout to drum up millions in foundation donations and speaking fees by furthering the financial interests of friends in the wake of Tuesday's publication of Peter Schweizer's Clinton Cash. Schweizer dedicated an entire chapter to a 2005 deal in which Bill Clinton allegedly helped his friend Frank Giustra break into a fiercely competitive uranium market, setting the stage for the high-profile takeover of mining conglomerate Uranium One by Russia.
All the net job gains among females since the beginning of the recession have gone to foreign-born women, according to data released Friday from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Don’t limit mammogram screening

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Limiting screening jeopardizes women’s health.
On May 5, two firefighters with concealed carry permits stopped a man allegedly attempting to shoot kids and firemen at the fire station.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Critics say a newly-hired Boston University professor has crossed the line with recent tweets bashing whites, while her university says it’s simply free speech.
A gay couple is claiming discrimination. I'm talking about a specific story here, but I could just be making a general declaration, because when was the last time a week passed without a gay couple somewhere complaining about being discriminated against? Type "gay couple discrimination" into Google, and it will take...
Why aren't liberals offering Pamela Geller a federal subsidy? Geller is the blogger-activist who organized the "Draw Muhammad" exhibition in Garland, Texas, which inspired some DIY jihadists to attack the event. The would-be terrorists chose poorly: They were cut down by Texas lawmen shortly after wounding a security guard.
Malik Shabazz: 'Occupier' Police in Baltimore 'Might Need to Get Hurt'
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson advocated for a higher minimum wage
Kentucky officials ordered a rural family to turn over their ten kids because they were reportedly home schooled. The Naugler family. The mom is not in the photo because she was taking the picture. Her picture is below. Image source:…
GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Saturday will launch a campaign presence in the tech community in Silicon Valley—similar to his campaign’s efforts in Austin, Texas—he tells Breitbart News in an exclusive interview.
Skeptical scientists, facing demands from witch-hunting enforcers of climate-change orthodoxy to total up their lunch receipts for the last decade or two, pointed out that global-warming true believers are hardly free of their own conflicts of interest.
President Obama’s lawyers admitted to a federal judge late Thursday that they had broken the court’s injunction halting the administration’s new deportation amnesty, issuing thousands of work permits even after Judge Andrew S. Hanen had ordered the program stopped.
Being poor is never ideal, but if you’re going to be poor, be poor in America. That’s the point Darrell Issa was making when he spoke with CNN Money’s Cristina Alesci on our nation’s income inequality. ...
What started as a joke now has a date on the Hispanic restaurant owner's calendar.