Black History Month is February. Hispanic Heritage Month is Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. And at one Colorado barbecue joint, June 11 is White Appreciation Day.
By Alice Salles | Watchdog Arena As reformers use recent developments following Freddie Gray’s funeral to call for gr
A New Jersey judge has ruled that a pair of twins has different fathers.

The future of 911

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

ht/ bitterclinger
Party leaders put aside their election differences to join in marking 70 years since Winston Churchill announced the end of the war with Germany.
The term “political correctness” has long been viewed as a far right straw man attack on culturally sensitive speech and basic manners. While it is debatable whether this was ever ...
I have read the Peter Schweizer book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.” It is something. Because it is heavily researched and reported and soberly analyzed, it is a highly effective takedown. Because its tone is modest—Mr. Schweitzer doesn’t pretend to more than he has, or take wild interpretive leaps—it is believable.
New research finds that the Social Security Administration's bleak funding forecasts are actually too optimistic.
The AP appears to be siding against free speech with its latest tweet attacking free speech advocate Pamela Geller as unapologetic.

Facts Are Dead; Long Live Insanity

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Facts get in the way of progress. Fiction, or what is more fashionably called 'the narrative,' is the foundation for our great society.
State recycling officials say they've busted a ring of fraudsters who illegally redeemed $14 million worth of cans and bottles trucked in from Arizona.
Republican Party presidential candidates have long struck an anti-establishment, anti-government tone, but in the 2016 race for the White House, two senators running for the nomination are taking a particular interest in attacking Washington.

Clinton 'fact-check' under fire

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

A Kazakh official involved in brokering a controversial mining deal for a major Clinton Foundation donor is behind bars for his role in the transaction, undercutting a Clinton campaign fact-check that attempted to dismiss ethical questions about the former president's ties to the lucrative contract.
BERLIN (AP) — When Paul Schmitz was a little boy, he never understood why kids in his tiny German village taunted him as a "Yank" and beat him up. He was a teenager by the time he found out: His father was an American soldier his mother had a romance with in the final days of World War II.
  Written By Walid Shoebat and The Right Scoop There are only 47 Ayatollahs in the world and 17 of them are assigned to 8 Muslim countries outside Iran. The title Ayatollah is from Arabic: آية...
Bill Whittle takes a glimpse into America's scary future. The Leftism of today's college campuses will lead to the Fascism and Socialism of a Hitler or a Sta...
Up to the minute results in the 2015 General Election from BBC News.
The FDA beast must be fed
The talking points of the GOP presidential hopeful fall apart under scrutiny.
Before stardom, James Franco was just a fast-food employee eating fries straight from the hopper.
Handling of case by Marliyn Mosby "a calculated push to the spotlight."
Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan wants you to eat more insects. Why? It’s better for the environment and your health, he argues.
The Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill Thursday to give Congress the authority to review an emerging nuclear agreement with Iran.
The Corker Iran bill passed the Senate 98-1 today and if you are like me, you are wondering if that one 'no' vote was Ted Cruz. Well, it wasn't. He, along with all of his Republican colleagues vote...
A significant number of Americans seem to no longer understand our constitution, our system of government or the structure of our legal system. The outcry over crowdfunding support for litigants is a good example.